Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Red Garnet Correspondences: Metaphysical and Physical Qualities

Metaphysical and Physical Qualities of Garnet

Name: Garnet

Also Known as: Cinnamon Stone, Stone of Love, Carbuncle

Family: Nesosilicate

Hardness: 6.5-7.5


Garnet Crystal Healing Bracelet
  • Element: Earth
  • Month: January
  • Astrological: Capricorn
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Number: 6,9,8
  • Chakra: Root Chakra, Heart Chakra


Reduce body toxins, clotting of blood, stimulate metabolism, cellular and spinal disorders, blood purification, regenerate DNA, assimilation of vitamins and minerals, acne, low libido, cardiac rhythm, rheumatism, arthritis, psychological illness, acid reflux, brain tumors, Down’s Syndrome, reproductive system, fertility, lungs, bone health, adrenal glands.

Balance and align negative energies, purify aura, movement of kundalini in an orderly way, alleviate bad dreams, mental depression, fortify and activate survival instincts, courage and hope, stimulate desires, prevent fears of insecurity, uplift attitude, enhance self esteem, increase popularity, success in business, balancing sex drive, expanded awareness, stimulate past life recall, inspire love and devotion, removes inhibitions, bestowing self confidence, alignment of intellectual and emotional bodies, resist temptations, reduce distractions from one’s goals, heal emotional rifts between lovers, guard from all perils, sharpen perception of oneself and others.

Notable: There are more than 20 varieties of garnet with six main types being used as gemstones. To check if garnets are genuine you can use neodymium magnets. Because the stones contain high amounts of both manganese and iron they will stick to the magnets.

The word garnet is presumed to be derived from the Latin words 'granatum,' meaning red, and ‘granate,’ meaning seed. The "seed connection" is believed to be from the deep red colored stone’s similarity to the pomegranate seed. Garnet was often used by Egyptian pharaohs for ceremonies and decoration and it was traded and worn as rings by Romans.

How to Clean: Garnets are fairly durable gemstones and can be cleaned with soapy water and rinsed with warm water thoroughly. Air dry or dry with a soft, clean cloth. Store them away from other gemstones to avoid scratches and protect them from hard blows that may damage them. Some forms of garnet are softer than others so do not store them together as the softer stones can be scratched by the harder ones.

Cleanse overnight under a clouded sky.

The information given here is not meant to replace the advice of your doctor and is intended for general use. It is not meant nor intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease/condition.  Please discuss any health problem or concern you may have with your doctor and call 9-1-1 or proceed to the nearest emergency department if you believe you may be experiencing a medical emergency.

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