Monday, May 30, 2016

11 Self Care Ideas for Sensitive Souls

Are you a sensitive soul?

Does spending time with people in large groups drain you? Do you often feel like you need a vacation even after being away on vacation? Taking a day for self-care can be a fantastic method for handling and recovering from any and all of those feelings of "overwhelm" that seem to hit sensitive souls extra hard, and more often, than those with a less sensitive nature. 

Here are some of my favorite coping methods. Enjoy and remember: You are not over sensitive. The rest of the world is insensitive!

Dine alone
A quiet meal alone in a restaurant that has booths with high "walls" or backs or just a quiet corner,  away from the kitchen, bar, and main dining area. Having trouble convincing staff members that you really need that table in the corner? I have often told them I have a headache and need the quiet. A little fib, yes, however, a necessity because I will get that headache if I end up next to that clanging in the kitchen or with someone's child hopping up and down behind me.

Spa Day
Inform the staff ahead of time that you are interested in an experience for complete relaxation and stress relief and that you would really like to be treated to the most peaceful encounter as is possible. Most will not only understand but be happy to give you exactly what you ask for so long as you give sufficient notice.

Shayla's latest mandala-I LOVE it!
Sitting by a lakeside, stream or the ocean
Meditation, allowing yourself to just "be" in your own thoughts and headspace are all wonderful things to do. I also enjoy just walking on the beach, hunting for tiny shells or sitting with a new coloring page, a sketch pad or my camera. 
Some of my favorite coloring pages are by my friend Shayla Kerrigan of Don't Eat the Paste who offers many free printables of her work and who will be coming out with a brand new book very soon, too.

A movie
During a very quiet time at a theater-I find Tuesday & Wednesday matinees to be the quietest times so long as I select a movie that has been in theaters at least 2 weeks. I like that I am alone. I like that I don't have to share with anyone or think of anyone else's comfort and I like that I don't have to worry about what anyone else thinks about my choice of movies.

Visit a salt cave
Salt caves are known to be healing and can benefit the lungs, skin and more. Relaxing for an hour in one of these caves has wonderful restorative properties and you can either meditate during the time or even take a nap. Some cave experiences also have massage, yoga or reiki sessions available.

One of my faves
Treat Yourself
A favorite tea, chocolate, magazine, song, flowers, mani-pedi or another small treat can really be uplifting and soul soothing. My personal favorite is to take a trip to Harney's Tea and try anything that strikes my fancy. I usually leave with a tin of a new favorite and a smile from ear to ear.

Take a class
If you have ever wanted to brush up on an old skill or learn something completely new take a class. And that does not mean you have to pay a lot of money to do it either. Almost any skill can be found on good old YouTube these days. I myself, learned a lot about using a Gelli plate and some great crochet stitches using this great resource. Pinterest is another wonderful place to not only find tutorials but ideas for what it is you might want to try next.

Restorative yoga
Either at home, in a small class like those offered by my friend Jody at Yoga By Design, or with a friend in a beautiful garden setting. Restorative poses will also strengthen and lengthen muscle like other forms of yoga but in a far gentler manner that will leave you rejuvenated no matter what level you are currently practicing.

Having gratitude is something that can be very easy for some and just as difficult for others. Even when we believe that we cannot possibly come up with one more thing for our list there is always something. I have teeth! I have eyes that see! Really get down to the nitty-gritty. You may be surprised at what you come up with, especially if you do not allow yourself the "old standards" like family, home or coffee. 

Read a childhood favorite!
Not just anything. Try a book of poetry or something that you loved as a child or teen, a diary or journal, or even love notes that are hiding in a box and wrapped in a ribbon under your bed or in a closet.

Hire someone
Even if you cannot do it every week or month, hire someone at least once to do something you would rather not be doing. Someone to mow the lawn, rake leaves, mulch your garden, pick up your dry cleaning or prescription medications, clean the bathroom, paint your bedroom, etc. etc. Groupon is my go-to when I want to do a one-time cleaning of my bathroom or some other dreaded chore.
Anything that allows you to skip something you really don't like doing or that takes time for other things you enjoy is great. Think of it as a necessity, because it really is if it helps you keep sane, should you have trouble justifying it to yourself. 
I personally love having groceries delivered and avoiding the store because it frees me up to do other things. I also LOVE ordering my everyday items from Amazon's Subscribe and Save service so I never have to think about cat litter, dog food, toiletries, vitamins and more. I use it for business purchases too. 

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