Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Metaphysical and Physical Qualities of Red Jasper

Name: Red Jasper
Also Known as: Stone of Fairness and Justice, Jasper, Red Calcedony, The Nurturer's Stone, Imperial Red Jasper
Family: Quartz, Chalcedony
Crystal System: Triagonal
Hardness: 6.5-7

     Elements: Fire, Earth
Red Jasper Crystal Healing Bracelet by DHD
·       Month: March
·       Astrological: Aries, Scorpio
·       Planet: Mars
·       Numbers: 9,6
·       Chakras: Root & Sacral Chakras
     Goddesses:  Cerridwen, Isis, Bona Dea, Callisto, Chirakan-Ixmucane, Clota


Health/Wellness- Regulate metabolism, treat diabetes and heart disease, strength, vitality, physical stamina, recovery from prolonged illness or injury, generate muscle tissue, bodybuilding, weightlifting, building muscles, enhance effects of exercise, circulatory system, detoxify blood, anemia, exhaustion, heart and circulation, remove liver and bile duct blockages, recovery of bypass surgery, libido, fertility, stabilize pregnancy, promote healthy growth of fetus, safe childbirth, stop nosebleeds, reduce hemorrhoids, soothe gout and epilepsy, treatment of sensory loss of smell. Used to treat vertigo, cancer, bad circulation, poor sex drive, poor circulation, upset stomach, menstrual irregularities, uterine health, low blood pressure. Good for grief, calm and tranquility.

Folklore/Magical Uses-  Resist emotional domination by others, courage, confidence, independence, cleanse and realign aura, balance yin and yang, align emotional, physical and intellectual bodies with etheric realm, induce emotional healing, recovery from violent sexual experiences, restore self confidence, resistance against bullies, emotional stability during times of peril, awareness about one’s sexual desires, independence, spontaneous leadership, let go of past and move on, motivation, awareness about the seriousness of life, grounding, justice, grounding, protection.

Notable: Some Native American cultures believe Red Jasper is the Blood of the Earth and consequently it is held in high regard as a sacred gemstone.

Jasper is a gentle stone that works best over the long term.

The information given here is not meant to replace the advice of your doctor and is intended for general use. It is not meant nor intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease/condition.  Please discuss any health problem or concern you may have with your doctor and call 9-1-1 or proceed to the nearest emergency department if you believe you may be experiencing a medical emergency.

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