Saturday, September 9, 2017

Get Results:12 Best Ways to Cleanse your Crystals

There are several different methods of cleansing crystals that can be easily used. Personal choice will dictate which you gravitate to, but generally speaking, most people find certain methods work better for them than others and they will use this method or methods on most occasions.

Reasons you may need to cleanse your crystals and gemstones:
· Crystals tend to take on any energy that might surround them. They might pick up negative vibrations from mining, travel, display or handling by others.
· Crystals can become “tired” if energies build up within them during use.
· Cleansing crystals opens their energy so that you may program them for your specific purpose.
· Crystals can transfer energy to those who are using them thus it makes sense to start with a “clean slate”.

12 Methods to Cleanse Your Crystals and Gemstones

Place your crystal in purified, distilled or spring water, leaving it to soak for about an hour. Remove from the water and allow to dry on a soft surface. Some porous crystals, or those that may dissolve should NOT be soaked. Instead, use other waterless methods such as Moonlight or Smudging. Water
Hold your crystal in any running water source. If you are fortunate enough to have a natural spring, stream or waterfall, this is ideal. A running tap will work, as well, or even spring or bottled water trickled over the stone will suffice if you have no other source of running water. To cleanse your crystal hold it in the flowing water for 3 or 4 minutes or until you feel your crystal is cleansed. Smudging
Light your smudge stick, herbs or incense and pass the crystal through the smoke several times. Make sure all of the surface or surfaces of the crystal comes into contact with the smoke. Favorite herbs for this type of cleansing include, sage, sweet grass copal, dragon’s blood, frankincense, myrrh , sandalwood or your own combination. Fire
Surround your crystal with three to five candles or tea lights and leave for a minimum of 1 hour. You may also wish to use incense combined with the candles. You may also place the stone near a fireplace or ceremonial fire. Earth
Wrap your crystal in a piece of clean cotton cloth and bury it for 24 hours. You may wish to use an area of the garden, a potted plant or even a window box if you do not have a yard or area that you are comfortable using. Another idea is to bury in the sand at the ocean or gather some beach sand to use at home. Remember: ALWAYS wrap your gemstone or crystal to avoid scratching it up with the sand or dirt.

Other Crystals

Sit the crystal to be cleansed on a large group of cluster Quartz or Amethyst . You may wish to do this for several days in cases of crystals that need more cleansing but for most instances several hours will suffice. Alternatively you may wish to surround your crystal with several small quartz points which have already been cleansed.  Generally  this method is very fast as the small quartz points focus the cleansing process very effectively.


Place your crystal outside or on a window sill in direct moonlight, leaving overnight.


Another effective way of clearing and charging your crystals is to place them inside of a pyramid. Pyramids can usually be found made from copper which adds the electromagnetic energy to the cleansing.


Salt has been another popular form of cleansing that is easy to use. While it can remove negativity from crystals, it can also be corrosive to them. Please be sure to use caution and know which crystals are fine in salt or salt water. It is recommended that you wrap the stones in a soft cloth because, much like earth cleansing, crystals and gemstones can become scratched by the salt crystals.


Place the crystal outside in direct sunlight or on a window sill for up to four hours. Be careful when using this method since some stones, like fluorite and rose quartz, will fade in the sun.


Pure sound vibrations will also cleanse your stones. To use this method you can use any instrument that puts out a lovely vibration. This might include a wind chime, singing bowl, gong, bell or a chiming bar. Simply place the crystal close to the sound source and repeat the sound until the crystal is cleansed.


Using reiki energy by placing the stone in the hands or on a flat surface and meditating on the reiki symbols works very well for cleansing crystals. You may also program them in this way.

Try experimenting with any of the methods above. You may wish to combining two or more methods. By experimenting you will be sure to find the method or methods that work best for you.

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