Showing posts with label handcrafted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handcrafted. Show all posts

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Holly-Daze: What is happening at DHD, specials, sales and more!

Yummy angora socks were 1 item in last month's box!
I find it hard to believe that the holidays are already upon us. I am, and have been, behind since about June. I think. I can’t be sure without really looking at things and I just don’t have the time, and if I am honest, I don’t really have the inclination either! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Introducing the Happy Dancing Dragonfly!

The Happy Dancing Dragonfly-a symbol of life's twists and turns!
Life has so many twists and turns and while some come upon us unexpectedly there are others that come after much contemplation, soul searching and, finally, planning. This is the kind that I am talking about today: contemplation that became a soul search and finally a plan that has born a whole new happy pathway for both myself ,and Dawn Hill Designs.